Saturday, February 09, 2002

Today was a big day. First off, Brandon woke me up at 7:45 wanting to watch TV. Good dad that I am, I had already set up the timer to tape the premier episode of Power Rangers Wild Force. I put him off for 15 sleepy minutes. Then we watched a full hour of Power Rangers. As I type this, Brandon is watching the tape for the 3rd time today, this time in bed in his room. By the way, Power Rangers is an awesome show. Cool martial arts? Got it. State of the art "Crouching Tiger" style special effects? Yup. Lots of explosions and lasers? Been there. Giant robots and radioactive monsters? Done that. Swords, axes, and magic spells? Uh huh. They even have stuff filmed like the Matrix. Plus, it's made for kids with an attention span of 2 and a half minutes. No wonder I like it!

Brandon had a soccer game today as well. Brandon's Thunderbirds beat the hippy tye-died Fire and Rain 3 to 1. That makes us 2 and 2! Brandon can kick the ball like Pele, but would rather walk then run after the ball. He has been watching ol' lazy dad too much I guess!

In the baby news, Connor pulled up on his knees for the first time. Unfortunately, he munched on a few videotapes on the second shelf. I don't mind if he eats a Barney tape (or a dozen, for that matter), but I might have to move the Godzilla tapes to a higher shelf. :(

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